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Allowlisted World Components

The following is the complete list of scripts usable within worlds. Components that are not in this list will not work.

Oculus Quest

The Android version of VRChat has some exceptions to this list. Check here for more info.

Unity Components

  • Animator
  • AudioChorusFilter
  • AudioDistortionFilter
  • AudioEchoFilter
  • AudioHighPassFilter
  • AudioLowPassFilter
  • AudioReverbFilter
  • AudioReverbZone
  • AudioSource
  • BillboardRenderer
  • BoxCollider
  • Camera
  • Canvas
  • CanvasGroup
  • CanvasRenderer
  • CapsuleCollider
  • CharacterJoint
  • Cloth
  • Collider
  • ConfigurableJoint
  • ConstantForce
  • EllipsoidParticleEmitter
  • FixedJoint
  • FlareLayer
  • GUIElement
  • GUILayer
  • Grid
  • GridLayout
  • Halo
  • HingeJoint
  • Joint
  • LODGroup
  • LensFlare
  • Light
  • LightProbeGroup
  • LightProbeProxyVolume
  • LineRenderer
  • MeshCollider
  • MeshFilter
  • MeshParticleEmitter
  • MeshRenderer
  • NavMeshAgent
  • NavMeshObstacle
  • OcclusionArea
  • OcclusionPortal
  • OffMeshLink
  • ParticleAnimator
  • ParticleEmitter
  • ParticleRenderer
  • ParticleSystem
  • ParticleSystemRenderer
  • PlayableDirector
  • Projector
  • RectTransform
  • ReflectionProbe
  • Rendering.SortingGroup
  • Rigidbody
  • SkinnedMeshRenderer
  • Skybox
  • SphereCollider
  • SpringJoint
  • SpriteMask
  • SpriteRenderer
  • Terrain
  • TerrainCollider
  • TextMesh
  • Tilemap
  • TilemapRenderer
  • TrailRenderer
  • Transform
  • Tree
  • VideoPlayer
  • WheelCollider
  • WorldParticleCollider
  • WindZone

Unity Components


VRChat is currently working on VRCConstraint, an optimized replacement for Unity's Constraints.

VRChat Components

Dynamic Bone

  • DynamicBone
  • DynamicBoneCollider

Text Mesh Pro

  • TMP_Dropdown
  • TMP_InputField
  • TMP_ScrollbarEventHandler
  • TMP_SelectionCaret
  • TMP_SpriteAnimator
  • TMP_SubMesh
  • TMP_SubMeshUI
  • TMP_Text
  • TextContainer
  • TextMeshPro
  • TextMeshProUGUI

Unity Event System

  • BaseInput
  • BaseInputModule
  • BaseRaycaster
  • EventSystem
  • EventTrigger
  • PhysicsRaycaster
  • PointerInputModule
  • StandaloneInputModule
  • TouchInputModule
  • UIBehaviour

Unity UI

  • AspectRatioFitter
  • BaseMeshEffect
  • Button
  • CanvasScaler
  • ContentSizeFitter
  • Dropdown
  • Dropdown
  • Graphic
  • GraphicRaycaster
  • GridLayoutGroup
  • HorizontalLayoutGroup
  • HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup
  • Image
  • InputField
  • LayoutElement
  • LayoutGroup
  • Mask
  • MaskableGraphic
  • Outline
  • PositionAsUV1
  • RawImage
  • RectMask2D
  • ScrollRect
  • Scrollbar
  • Selectable
  • Shadow
  • Slider
  • Text
  • Toggle
  • ToggleGroup
  • VerticalLayoutGroup

Post Processing Stack V2

Post Processing Stack v1

PPSv1 is not supported in either VRCSDK2 or VRCSDK3. It has been deprecated by Unity.

  • PostProcessDebug
  • PostProcessLayer
  • PostProcessVolume


  • ApplyToMaterial
  • ApplyToMesh
  • AudioOutput
  • DisplayIMGUI
  • DisplayUGUI
  • MediaPlayer
  • SubtitlesUGUI

Oculus Spatializer Unity

  • ONSPAmbisonicsNative
  • ONSPAudioSource
  • ONSPReflectionZone
  • OculusSpatializerUnity

Final IK

FinalIK Components Modified

VRChat has highly modified its implementation of FinalIK. As such, these components may not work as documented.

We do not directly support or test custom FinalIK implementations in worlds. However, they should work fine, and if we must intentionally break one or more of these, we will try our best to inform creators.

If you discover a bug, please let us know.

  • AimIK
  • AimPoser
  • Amplifier
  • AnimationBlocker
  • BehaviourBase
  • BehaviourFall
  • BehaviourPuppet
  • BipedIK
  • BipedRagdollCreator
  • BodyTilt
  • FABRIKRoot
  • FBBIKArmBending
  • FBBIKHeadEffector
  • FingerRig
  • FullBodyBipedIK
  • GenericPoser
  • Grounder
  • GrounderBipedIK
  • GrounderFBBIK
  • GrounderIK
  • GrounderQuadruped
  • GrounderVRIK
  • HandPoser
  • HitReaction
  • HitReactionVRIK
  • IK
  • IKExecutionOrder
  • Inertia
  • InteractionObject
  • InteractionSystem
  • InteractionTarget
  • InteractionTrigger
  • JointBreakBroadcaster
  • LegIK
  • LimbIK
  • LookAtIK
  • MuscleCollisionBroadcaster
  • OffsetModifier
  • OffsetModifierVRIK
  • OffsetPose
  • Poser
  • PressureSensor
  • Prop
  • PropRoot
  • PuppetMaster
  • PuppetMasterSettings
  • RagdollCreator
  • RagdollEditor
  • RagdollUtility
  • Recoil
  • RotationLimit
  • RotationLimitAngle
  • RotationLimitHinge
  • RotationLimitPolygonal
  • RotationLimitSpline
  • ShoulderRotator
  • SolverManager
  • TriggerEventBroadcaster
  • TrigonometricIK
  • TwistRelaxer
  • VRIK